Archive for April, 2011


Creative Writing

April 13, 2011

I have recently re-arranged my RedBubble profile and portfolio.  It is the primary location at which I post my creative writing. Here is a selected list of some of my short writings that have made it onto RedBubble.

Feel free to browse and read my work, and leave any comments there if you have a RedBubble account; or here, if you don’t. Or hit the facebook ‘Like’ button!

I am grateful for all support I have received for my RedBubble works since I first signed up in September 2008. I have even managed to sell a few t-shirts and art prints, for which I am very grateful.

Creative Writing Portfolio

I. He Left Me To Die Here – 1 of 3

The first of a three-part short story exploring something akin to the spiritual wilderness experience.

Convincing Myself: I Can Wait

Love and Torture Are the Same Thing

Waiting for a rescuer? Lonely. Again.

My Swamp; Or, a moment of paranoia

Stand Off? A lament on distance and separation

The Destruction of the Swamp

Dreamscapes: escaping from the crowd to the sea

And, for the sheer fun of it:

Poetic Musings: An Ode To Tofu

There are some definite recurring themes that seem to run through my writing. It has not been deliberate, but put together it would appear that I have something of a fixation on solitude, swamps, and spiritual journeys.






Everyday Justice Blog

April 5, 2011

I just wanted to share this link to the blog for one of the social justice ministries in my local church.