
About The Amalgamation

The Amalgamation is, as its name suggests, an amalgamation of my various blogs and webpages.

Since about 2001 I have been creating and maintaining various webpages and blogs (most of which have since been deleted). They have covered a variety of topics, including art, animal welfare, vegetarianism, spirituality, humour, music and social commentary. However, due to the realities of life and all that, I have decided to bring together my current blogs.

These blogs include:

A Humble Art Folio – http://fikalo.blogspot.com/

fizzy musings – http://fikalo.wordpress.com/

Visual Diary of the Fizzy – http://fikalosvisualdiary.wordpress.com/

I’m also at:



About the URL:



You may be wondering what this “Darth Maul Makes Me Smile” business is about!

Darth Maul is one of the characters from the Star Wars movies. You’ll find him in Episode I, the skillful Sith apprentice (one of the bad guys!) with the two-bladed “light saber.” (The light saber being the weapon of choice of the Jedi and Sith characters.)

According to the official Star Wars website:

Darth Maul was a weapon forged by the hateful energies of the dark side to ensure the victory of the Sith over the Jedi order. A creature of pure evil, Maul had no personality beyond his ultimate devotion to his master, Darth Sidious. His goal was singular — to exact vengeance upon the Jedi for the decimation of the Sith ranks.

I have no idea why he “makes me smile.” I think he’s cool. He’s got some awesome moves. He’s totally scary. And, hilariously enough, he’s stalked by masses of sci-fi fan girls who find themselves overwhelmingly attracted to him! (Check out http://www.dmeb2.org/ for more on that topic!)

For more on the character of Darth Maul, check out the official Star Wars website at http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/darthmaul/index.html.

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The Amalgamation is written by fizzy fikalo.

I am Australian, 20-something years old, a wife, mother, and university student. Most significantly, I am a Bible-believing follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that I will represent Him well in everything I do.

I volunteered at my local Church’s youth ministry 2006-2008. I worked with senior high school students, running small group Bible study discussions, preparing Bible study notes, helping out with a welcoming team for our corporate events, and more. From 2009 I have been co-leading a small group for young adults aged 18-25 years old through my local Church community. From 2010 I started volunteering with the intercessory prayer team. In 2011 I returned to the youth ministry.

I am rural Australian born-and-bred. I love the country, but these days I live in suburban Australia. I miss the country.

I’ve been a vegetarian since the mid-1990s. I am interested in vegetarian nutrition, animal rights-related issues and other similar issues. I am currently undertaking studies for my Sociology Honours degree, in which I am focussing on animal rights activism and its relation to other forms of environmentalist social movements.

My Bachelor degree has encompassed areas including Sociology, Politics, History, Australian Indigenous issues, Education and Journalism.

I became a follower of Christ in 2002. Before then, I was raised as a Roman Catholic, but was also taught evolutionary science. As a result, I dropped the faith of my ancestors and followed after science and atheism. It wasn’t long before other spiritualities came in to fill the void, and as a result I experienced many belief systems – including aliens, Ancient Egyptian religion, occult and more.  However, I was left empty and searching and with many unanswered questions, and went on a spiritual ‘quest.’ After a few years of serious soul seeking and reading (I read a lot of books from different perspectives) I encountered the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible. Though it took me some time, I did accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour, as a young wife and mother, and have since devoted my time to seeking to share the joyful news of Christ with the people in my life.

I’m fascinated with science, especially biology. I think animals are wonderful, and superb, and intriguing. It’s not unusual for my family to find me curled up on the couch reading yet another book on dinosaurs, horses, astronomy and more. Admittedly I’m not very good at mathematics, so I get my husband (an engineer) to help me with that stuff!

I barrack for the Essendon Bombers.

A few more things I like…

  • Star Wars – movies, and Expanded Universe
  • hard rock, heavy metal, rapcore, 1990s alternative, Triple J… and classical music!
  • tofu
  • Books, books, books
  • Christian apologetics
  • The Simpsons

Ah, that’ll do for now!

11 February 2008 – Updated 07 May 2010 12.03 pm.


  1. nice… very YOU! i like the flickr thingy on the right side of the page too

  2. aw thank you dear friend!

  3. Oh, PS, I added your blogs to my ‘links’ page!

  4. Have a nice day !

  5. well, thank you. you too.

  6. wonderful! thanks for your comment on my blog! i’m adding you to my blogroll, so i’ll see you around. 🙂 your spiritual quest sounds interesting. i hope to hear a lot of your perspectives!

  7. fikalo – I saw your post on another blog about your experience with God and how it took friends to reach you.

    I was curious if you’d share your story over here at my blog?

    I’m trying to start a collection of stories of how God impacted their life.

    Thanks so much!

  8. Thanks Josiah and Chris for visiting and commenting. And thanks for adding me to the blogroll! 😀

    I hope my perspectives are actually useful and meaningful!

  9. F, thanks for coming by and putting your story on!

    Anyone is welcome to. I hope to get as many people to share their story as possible.

    I think it would be a great witnessing tool.

    So, if you know someone that’s a Christian, send them over and have them put something in.

    Thanks again!

  10. no worries!

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