
introducing my new blog

July 29, 2011

I am moving blogs!

My new blog is sunrise over swamps and will be, I hope, a fresh start and a new creative outlet.

Thank you to the amazing readers of The  Amalgamation who have visited me over the years. An extra-special thank you to those who followed me across from my blogger blog, A Humble Art Folio, which I started in 2006.

There will be some more posts to follow on The Amalgamation, but I hope that regular readers will join me at sunrise over swamps.

I hope that sunrise over swamps will provide a clean, easy to read format. I will continue uploading sketches from my art folio but will be ceasing the numbering system I’ve followed that saw me upload approximately 500 images from my sketch books.

There will be a few more art folio additions to The Amalgamation in the next couple of weeks, but after that I will be focusing my attention on the new adventure. My sincere gratitude to those who’ve supported me along the way!

One comment

  1. Always willing to support a friend and always looking for new followers/links etc. Blessings.

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