Posts Tagged ‘literature’



September 25, 2008

I know I’ve mentioned Project 86 perhaps more than once on here. Ok, maybe lots. Probably because, when I’m on the computer there’s usually a Project 86 CD playing somewhere in the background. If not them, then perhaps it’s something along the lines of Kutless, Disciple, P.O.D. or, Hillsong United (when I want something more mellow) and, if I really want to confuse the neighbours, it’s ‘Kashmir’ and ‘No Quarter’ by Led Zeppelin pumping at full volume… Anyway, where was I? Oh, in case that didn’t make sense, the neighbours are undoubtedly confused because roughly 90% of the time what’s blaring from my stereo is music by artists who happen to be Christians. And Led Zeppelin is known to be controversial among Christian circles. I still argue that you don’t need to play ‘Stairway to Heaven’ backwards to get pagan ideas, the New Age connotations are really quite obvious playing it in its normal direction. Oh but how awesome is that guitar riff, and I can’t help but start yelling, “and as we wind on down the roooooaaaaaaaaddddddddd….”!?!

Roughly on that topic, I’ve just been reading some of the writings at Andrew Schwab’s website. I am pretty much in tears with laughter. It’s been a long time since I’ve been that amused. Go check them out.