Posts Tagged ‘Gippsland’


FiKaLo’s YouTube Channel

September 1, 2010

Add me on YouTube:

My channel is a bizarre mixture of favourited news parodies, Christian and Australian rock music, Ukrainian folk dance videos and videos by my friends. I can’t say that I’ve uploaded any of my own works; I’m not sure I’m willing to put myself out there in such a confronting medium. Then again, the temptation is to create some videos on how to pronounce Aussie words in a Victorian rural accent, like “emu”, and place names like “Moe” and “Korumburra”.

emu = eeeem-you not eee-moo

Moe = mow-eee not moe

Korumburra = kuh-rum-buh-rrah not kor-rum-bor-ah


382. Sand

September 21, 2009


Photograph, April 2009.

Taken on the Bass Coast in southeastern Victoria.


316. Farm Hills

January 19, 2009

20081102-artfolioflokot-2Oil pastel on canvas, 2008.

Inspired by my grandparents’ farm in Gippsland.


301. Dairy Farm Land

November 17, 2008


Photo, Nikon D40 DSLR, June 2008.

Taken en route to Leongatha from Inverloch. My husband was driving so I just pointed the camera at the scenery to see what I would find!


Saving Rainforests

July 18, 2008

For anyone who’s concerned, here’s a quick video from a group of people seeking to protect native Australian rainforest from logging in the Gippsland region of Victoria.


268. House On A Hill With Sunlight

July 2, 2008

Copyright F. Lokot 2008

Photograph (Nikon D40), June 2008.

Cropping and colour adjustments made in iPhoto.


258. Old Abandoned House

June 10, 2008

Copyright F. Lokot 2002

Photograph, colour 35 mm film, scanned and adjusted in iPhoto, 2002/2008.

This is the old house at Mathison Park, Churchill, Victoria, Australia. Having taken many a stroll on the walking track there, I had often wondered what this building was doing there. Eventually, the Churchill newspaper ran an article on the history of the local area, interviewing a lady who had once lived in the house.

More information:

Walking trails in the Latrobe Valley

Churchill on Wikipedia


Missing the home country…

April 10, 2008

Leongatha, Looking East 1906 – image from Wikipedia.

Trapped in the suburbs can be a bit of a nightmare for an individual like myself – rural born-and-bred, love the country, miss the country, don’t enjoy hectic lifestyles… My creativity tends to become starved, too, when I want to paint or draw something beautiful, yet all I see out my window is houses, roads, the “garden” (weeds) of our rented home, and innumerable cables – electricity lines, phone lines, cable tv lines, tv aerials… How much tv do we need, anyway?

For the first 23 years of my life I lived in the little piece of Australia known as Gippsland. A beautiful place, it is marked by clean beaches, mountainous country, and tracts of temperate rainforest.

Map of the Gippsland region, from

My particular hometown is in the South Gippsland region, in Leongatha; though I also spent a few years in Churchill (near Morwell). These days I’m far far away, and how sad it is!

I’m regularly telling people that they should check out South Gippsland.

Conversations have ranged from:


“We’re thinking of getting out of here and moving to the country. We just don’t know where to go.”

“South Gippsland.”

“You like it there?”

“I love that place! I just didn’t know how much I’d taken it for granted until I moved away.”


“We want to go on a holiday, but we’re a bit sick of going to the same places. You know anywhere with a nice beach?”

“Ah, you’ll want Inverloch (near Wonthaggi). It’s clean, sunny, and has a variety of beaches. I used to go there all the time when I was young. We were there most weekends during our childhood summers.”


“You know anywhere we can go for art / craft / gourmet food / food markets?” [Select most appropriate.]

“You want Gippsland. It’s farming country, so they have plenty of homegrown cheeses / foods. There’s a lot of artists down that way…”

You get the idea! I thought I’d share a few links about the Leongatha area, including tourist information, job opportunities, and historical bits and pieces. (All links believed correct at time of posting and accessed 10 April 2008.)


Bush Tucker

April 10, 2008

In doing research for my university assignments on the land rights social movement among Indigenous Australians, I have come across a lot of references to Native Australian foods. Add to that, our local supermarket stocks a variety of Native fruits as relishes and sauces, and we have the beginnings of an amazing variety of foods long ignored in the west.

I found a couple of websites that discuss Native Australian plants as food:

Australian Bushfoods Magazine

Bush Tucker (The Epicentre)

Bush Tucker Plants

Aboriginal Diet and Nutrition (Better Health Channel, Victorian State Government)

My interest in this topic was probably sparked when, as a teenager, I attended a garden nursery open day, which included a short lecture on Indigenous plant foods of south-eastern Victoria, Australia. (The links are related to the region in question!) Add to that the fact that I am vegetarian, and so am always on the lookout for a variety of plant-based foods to bring variety to our eating plans!